Since 2020, we have been actively developing exports around the world and representing the Moscow region on the international stage with the support of the Government of the Moscow Region and the Foreign Economic Activity Fund:
• Azerbaijan (EnterFood)
• Uzbekistan (UzFood)
• UAE (Gulfood)
• China (SIAL Shanghai)
• China (World Seafood Shanghai)
• China (FHC Shanghai Global Food Trade Show)
2nd place
Exporter of the Year in the Moscow Region
On September 29, 2022, the unified district competition commission of the All-Russian Exporter of the Year Award determined the winners of the All-Russian Exporter of the Year Award - The Best Exporters in Russia.

In the nomination Exporter of the Year for the Moscow Region, the Food Team company took second place!
The Food Team company was able to sign an agreement thanks to its participation in the international exhibition UzFood, held in Tashkent in the spring of 2022
MOSCOW, July 28. /TASS/. The Food Team company from the Dmitrov urban district, with the support of the Moscow region, concluded an export contract with partners from Azerbaijan for the supply of masago caviar and fish products, the amount amounting to about $200 thousand. This was reported to TASS by the Deputy Chairman of the Government - Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Ekaterina Zinoviev.
“The amount of the export contract for the manufacturer of fish products and semi-finished products amounted to $200 thousand. The company was able to sign it thanks to participation in the international exhibition UzFood, held in Tashkent last spring. It presented its products at a collective stand organized by the Regional Foreign Economic Activity Support Fund for eight companies from the Moscow region ", said Zinovieva.
A company located near Moscow will supply $200 thousand worth of fish products to Azerbaijan.
July 28, 08:14
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